
What is -ay?


Primarily used in instant messaging, but may also be incorporated in everyday casual speech, particularly among groups of friends. The suffix is used to modify the endings of words normally ending in "y", preceded by a consonantal sound. The a's and y's may be repeated for further emphasis.

party -> partay

sorry -> sorray

booty -> bootay

This effect is used for either one or both of the following purposes:

1) To sound "different". The extra delay of the additional "a" may be used to emphasize that word in a particular sentence. e.g. well SORRAAYYY, which puts emphasis on the word "sorry".

2) To sound ghetto. Certain phrases like "off the hizzay" are derived from slang terms associated with ghetto indivdiuals e.g. gangsters, thugs or their wannabe equivalents.

A: I'm going to cancun to get me some booty!

A (with -ay suffix): I'm going to cancun to get me some bootay!

See suffix, instant messaging, emphasis, ghetto, ay, regular


if attached to any name successfully, can be defined as a grievous curse of gayness. such gayness refers to humping monstrous looking women, claiming one is the shit with no evidence, and/or a pervertedness that can only be relieved through rigorous masturbation to midget porn, starring most likely ernay and chiemmay.

ernie = ernay

chiem = chiemmay


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