*beep Beep Beep*

What is *beep Beep Beep*?


The onomatopoeia representation of someone's gaydar going off.

Note: This term is frequently used as a flame on message boards however; it's usage as an oral taunt is gaining popularity.

Guy 1: Hey, check out that dude's shirt. He must work out.

Guy 2: (stares blankly at friend) *Beep Beep Beep*

Guy 1: Fuck off.

See gaydar, gay, homo, homosexual, beep, Qual


1.Lots and lots of curse and bad words

2.On t.v. shows when they say a curse or bad word it has a beep sound and when he/she say it 3 times in a row that's beep beep beep

You such a *beep beep beep*

See bitch, fuck, shit, fuckin, stupid


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