
What is 'bertos?


A drive-thru Mexican restaurant with cusine that borders somewhere between a full-out cantina and fast food- The Mexican equivalent to Cheap Chinese take-out. The menu consists of typical Mexican-American fare and is usually substantial in size. It is NO generalization to note that every 'Berto's has a signature burrito- Often named after the state or city that particular burrito is purchased in.

Also to note that most 'Berto's are converted Weinerschnitzel, Raxx or Naugle's restaurants- offering a clean, slightly antiquated environment, and that ALL 'Berto's have an unlimited "chips n' salsa" bar inside.

Examples of a "Berto's" include, but not limited to:











(Calling from Drive-Thru)

"I'm at 'Bertos, you want anything?"

"Which one?"

"The one on (xy) street."

"Pick me up a California Burrito Combo, but tell 'em no salsa. I don't like the way they do it there."

"Yeah, the salsa at the other 'Berto's is a little better."

See 'bertos, mexican, burrito, bodega, salsa, california burrito, nachos, hispanic, food, sacramento, phoenix, california, tacos, fast food


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