
What is 2b3p?


Two In The Brown Three In The Pink

I'm sure you can figure that out, but just incase ~ 2 fingers which is the thumb and index will be inserted into the anus, and 3 fingers will be inserted into the vagina. Yes, it's a risky manuever but it will please her beyond belief. The best way to approach this scenario is for the female to be in the 'doggy' position, so that you don't put tension on your wrist and have the ability to move your hand in a continuous motion. Ladies love the 2B3P !

See 2b3p, myspace, love, poke'mon, highlander, fist, ass, texas, cheese


Two In The Brown Three In The Pink


I'm sure you can figure that out, but just incase ~ 2 fingers which is the thumb and index will be inserted into the anus, and 3 fingers will be inserted into the vagina. Yes, it's a risky manuever but it will please her beyond belief. The best way to approach this scenario is for the female to be in the 'doggy' position, so that you don't put tension on your wrist and have the ability to move your hand in a continuous motion. Ladies love the 2B3P !

See 2b3p, myspace, love, poke'mon, highlander, fist, ass, texas, cheese


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