
What is 7chan?


Image board like that of 2chan and 4chan. Many anonymous fled 4ailchan after /b/day and set up home here. Jailbait is free to be poasted; which makes it auto-win. 7chan contains many unique boards such as /x/, /34/, and /i/.

The true veteran /b/tards reside here. It upholds the foundations and values of true /b/; a no-rules environment where internet superheroes are chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool, and all shootin some B-ball outside of the school, when a couple of guys who were up to no good, started making trouble in my neighborhood, I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, she said 'You're movin with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air!'

"We are Anonymous. We are /b/. Our home is no longer on 4chan. In these times of unrest, we have formed the State of 7chan as our new sovereign nation on the World Wide Internet."

See 7chan, 7chan, jailbait, win, /b/day


Another *chan board, populated mainly by "refugees" from 4Chan. Created September 25th, 2005 by Symbion and zeneslev, 7chan gives /b/tards put off by 4chan's strict rules, what they want (apart from a CP board). According to Encyclopedia Dramatica, the site is funded by zeneslev's brother Reznokuken, and it's main servers are located in France (Due to it being from ED, this information is unreliable, at best).

As 4Chan frequently experiences downtime for no useful reason, 7Chan has become quite popular, as it's downtime is limited to the odd day or so, and is only when the site/servers are being upgraded. Also, It allows Jailbate.

Many 7Chan users believe that when the prophecised day of 4Chan's demise comes true, 7Chan will be the new 4Chan. This however, is unlikely due to 7chan's /fur/ (Furry) board.

Now, the short version:

It's an Image Board.

{NB: I have tried to keep this as unbiased as possible, but being one of the 4Chan Refugees mentioned earlier, who flooded to 7chan, It is difficult. If you think this is a biased definition, by all means, vote it down. And yes, I realise it would make more sense to put the short version at the top, but that just adds to the fun, right?}

"Aww man, 4Chan is down again! And they STILL don't allow JB!"

"I think 7Chan would be relevant to your internets."


"Augh... I hate Furfags so much!"

"Don't go to 7Chan, they have a furry Board!"

See 4chan, 2chan, renchan, internets


Website started by refugees from the 4chan website. They started thier own site because they weren't allowed to post images that broke the rules/law. The main conflict stemmed from thier desire to post illegal CP (child pornography) and Pedo's (pedophiles). The majority of the site's population are child raping loli lovers or furry sex creeps.

"Did you see how hot that girl's pic wason 7chan? She said she was 13 but she couldn't have been a day over 11."

See 7chan, 7chan, loli, furry, 4chan


A fallout shelter for true /b/-tards after /b/-day.

The Holy 7th Channel is where Anonymous resides and where the only cancer-free /b/ can be found.

Was considered a hide out for many pedophilesbecause of its loliconand shotaconboards, or at least until 12chan was founded.

Was the first *chan to host an invasion board (though it was removed at the request of the host company), a psychology board, and a trapboard.

Was a hub for Project Chanologyuntil it collapsed.

Popular boards include /b/, /x/, /vg/, /w/, /cake/, and /p/.

7chan used to have pedos lurking 24/7, but now it's awesome.

7chan is the Africa of the Internet. Sure there are a few gems, but you'll probably come back with AIDS.

See hell, /b/, aids, *chan, 4chan


Another *chan board, populated mainly by "refugees" from 4Chan. Created September 25th, 2005 by Symbion and zeneslev, 7chan gives /b/tards put off by 4chan's strict rules, what they want (apart from a CP board). According to Encyclopedia Dramatica, the site is funded by zeneslev's brother Reznokuken, and it's main servers are located in France (Due to it being from ED, this information is unreliable, at best).

As 4Chan frequently experiences downtime for no useful reason, 7Chan has become quite popular, as it's downtime is limited to the odd day or so, and is only when the site/servers are being upgraded. Also, It allows Jailbate.

Many 7Chan users believe that when the prophecised day of 4Chan's demise comes true, 7Chan will be the new 4Chan. This however, is unlikely due to 7chan's /fur/ (Furry) board.

Now, the short version:

It's an Image Board.

{NB: I have tried to keep this as unbiased as possible, but being one of the 4Chan Refugees mentioned earlier, who flooded to 7chan, It is difficult. If you think this is a biased definition, by all means, vote it down. And yes, I realise it would make more sense to put the short version at the top, but that just adds to the fun, right?}

"Aww man, 4Chan is down again! And they STILL don't allow JB!"

"I think 7Chan would be relevant to your internets."


"Augh... I hate Furrys so much!"

"Don't go to 7Chan, they have a furry Board!"

See 4chan, 2chan, jailbait, internet


A illegal imageboard that contains full of furries and pedophilias. If you accuse them for being gay or pedophile, they would do anything to deny it. They attack people through msn or email. They would also deny that 7chan is illegal.

Porns are posted everywhere on 7chan, regardless of homosexual or heterosexual porns.

The invasion board or /i/ is for the desperate people who hate someone or some sites and tell others to help to attack them. They attack people through msn or email, or through phone numbers. (I don't know how they attack other sites)

As 4chan becomes more strict. the illegal users of 4chan could no longer post porns, so they start a new site which is 7chan.

(bibliography: encyclopedia dramatica)

"Oh, man, that site has a lot of furries, which made me sick!"

"that site is 7chan, isn't it?"

"you are absolutely right!"

See 4chan, encyclopedia dramatica, furries, pedophile


shitty 4chan ripoff created when 4chan's /b/ imageboard became more strict. some /b/tards decided that 4chan was dead and decided to create a new board chock-full of all the illegal content that was no longer allowed on 4chan.

all in all, the board has become rather successful and has a loyal following. generally, /b/tards hate 7chan, and 7chan hates 4chan. however, 7chan can't figure out why /b/tards hate 7chan.

hey, have you heard about 7chan?

no, but it sounds like a shitty 4chan ripoff.

See 4chan, /b/tard, /b/, internet


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