
What is /co/?


The Comics & Cartoons board over at 4chan.

Regulars of the board are called /co/mrades.

Often at war with /v/ (Video games) but I don't partake in those.

Better than the shithole they call /b/ will ever be.

/co/ is...um...oh fine, YOU come up with a better example then.

See 4chan, /b/, /co/, anonymous, rule 34


The Comics & Cartoons board over at 4chan.

Regulars of the board are called /co/mrades.

Often at war with /v/ (Video games) but I don't partake in those.

Better than the shithole they call /b/ will ever be.

I'm a /co/mrade AND DAMN PROUD OF IT

See 4chan, /b/, /co/, anonymous, rule 34


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