30-day Trial

What is 30-day Trial?


Philosophy pioneered by Danny that deals with crushes. If you have a crush, you have 30 days to do something about it. Whether it be a date, sex, or going out, something must be done in 30 days. If by the end of the 30 days no progress is made with you and your crush, you have to move on to the next one. There are also 10 and 15-Day trials, but for those to work, the crush must know you like them.

I hope my 30-day trial with that hot senior in yearbook works.

See Dan


A cheap tactic used by shareware makers involving a limited- or full use- period of thirty (30) days in which you can find out if you actually want to use the product. Generally, software with a 30-day trial period is not worth downloading, although there are some exceptions.

"Did you see that thing on Download?"

"Oh, you mean the Sea Turtles Paradise?"

"Yeah. It had a 5-day trial so it must be better than that other one that had a 30-day trial!"

"fo' shizzle my nizzle!"

See Kevin Smith


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