
What is *doesmannerism*?


The word *doesmannerism*, and its abbreviation *dm*, are used to represent a gesture known as 'the mannerism'. The mannerism involves three things: A slight shrug of the shoulder, open palms facing upwards, and a puzzled expression on the face. This particular gesture is used to express puzzlement and disapproval, or to indicate that the person performing it finds an idea ludicrous. Similar gestures have been used commonly for centuries, but the actual naming and refinement of the mannerism can be attributed to several members of gaming publication Hyper>>, namely Cam Shea, Kosta Andreadis and Eliot Fish. If the mannerism is performed incorrectly, it is known as a 'can't mannerism' or a 'Steve mannerism' after journalist Steve Farrelly's poor execution of the gesture. The mannerism has since become a part of the internet vernacular on many gaming forums.

Microsoft fly gaming journalists the world over to the U.S, where the are to hold a press conference to make an important announcement. The next Halo perhaps? No, they announce nothing more than the XBOX's new slogan, "Let's Play Together".



See *does mannerism*, mannerism, dm


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