
What is 72ed?


Jihadi slang for "killed", referring to "martyrs" said to be rewarded with 72 virgins in the muslim paradise.

"7-8 of the guys taken whilst asleep. 2 others 72ed." (personal journal of Zeeshan Siddiqui, a 26-year-old British jihadi lamenting over his situation)

See islamism, death, slang, jihad, paradise


Slang for "killed", used by Jihadis (Extremist Muslims undertaking a Jihad or "Holy War").

Refers to the Qu'ran (Koran) promise that "martyrs" will be rewarded with 72 virgins in paradise.

"...bad news. The relaxing place was done over. 7-8 of the guys taken whilst asleep. 2 others 72ed." direct quote from Zeeshan Siddiqui, British terror suspect

See killed, terrorist, terrorism, jihadi, extremist


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