[european Girl]

What is [european Girl]?


a sexy human race! western european girls (britain, france,)have smaller frames, very petite and very beautiful.

Northern european girls(german, swedish) have bigger frames, big boobs,curvy,blond hair,blue eyes.

Eastern european girls are the best of all(russian,bosnian,polish,serbian,croatian,ukranian, greek)they are all different, some are petite others are more curvy, the one thing they all have in common is big boobs and butts. they are very smart and classy, some of the world's best supermodels are eastern european. they also have beautiful accents!

Joe: wow she's beautiful.

Johnathan: oh that's Jennifer, she's British. a real european girl.

Allan:oh wow she's hot!!!

Adam: that's my cousin Olga, she is German.

Allan:a european girl, now that is hot!

Julian:oh my god she is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen! she looks like a model!!!!

Marco:That is Natasha Cherovsky, she is half bosnian half russian. she looks like a regular girl back in eastern europe but in america she is the most stunning girl ever! all our women are beautiful!

Julian:damn european girls are hot!

See eastern, europe, european, girls, model, better, than, american women


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