
What is 3guys1hammer?


The unofficial name of the sickest video on the internet. It will scar you for life. It starts out with a guy bludgeoning the victim's face with a yellow pipe, the camera closes in on what used to be a face but is now unrecognizable, it's just a puddle of blood now. The guy goes on to drive a screwdriver repeatedly into the victim's stomach, then up to the eyes and through his nose. All of this happens while the victim is still alive, only able to make gurgling noises and move his arms slightly. The guy then steps on victims stomach and after playing with him they decide it's time to kill him so they serve a few death blows with a hammer. DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO

Guy1:Dude, did you hear about Kyle? He watched 3guys1hammer, and I heard afterward he dowsed himself in kerosene and lit himself on fire! Guy2: Man I'm never seeing that one.

See 3guys1hammer, murder, snuff, death, shock site, sick


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