55hp Monk

What is 55hp Monk?


A special build from the popular semi-MMORPG Guild Wars. A 55hp monk is a normal monk with all superior runes in his armor. This causes his hitpoints to reach 55. When using a combination of Warrior and Monk protection skills, he is almost unkillable.

55hp monks are usually used for farming (killing enemies to get good items) in the Underworld.

This build is useless, however, without a good SS necro. An SS necro is a necromancer/mesmer who uses Spiteful Spirit (SS) on enemies while they are attacking the 55hp monk.

55hp monk: LF good SS necro to go farming in UW! (no noobs plz)

SS necro: Add me, dude.

See mmorpg, ss necro, niggaboy, bhaah


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