
What is 5-htp?


5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) is the direct precursor to serotonin. It is used as therapy for some forms of depression.

Users of the party drug MDMA may are advised to take 5-HTP supplements to ease the effect of serotonin depletion caused by MDMA. Many MDMA users take 5-HTP to try to enhance their high.

5-HTP is the direct precursor to serotonin.

See fu


Helped me overcome depression. Ive tried many different anti depressants with no results /wellbutrin/zoloft/lexapro/prozac/

The day after taking 5-htp I could feel emotions that I had long forgotten. ex: That warm coming home feeling after a long days work.


Take the stuff and you dont get the willies. You can smoke as much weed as you want and you will never get paranoid or anxious.

I've taken 5-HTP for a month and weed has never felt better.

See htp, loose


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