
What is 2k9?


The year 2009, used mostly in instant messaging programs used by 8th grade girls who typ3 lyKe d!S.

I will graduate from high school in the year 2k9.

See 2k8, 2k7, 2k6, 2k5, 2k, y2k, aim, instant messaging, hotmail, 8th grader, 1337


The year 2009

The year after 2k8 (2008)

wot year is it next year?


See 2k9, 2k8, 2008, new year, thousand


2k9 is very simple

The Letter K stands for Thousand. basically when u say it to people like. look below.


the 2 is simple its first that means its the year 2000

and the 9 tells us its 2009.

" I got 8k 2day ini" this K stand for 1000

"What's the year? 2K9!!!" this would be in a text or somethin

See year, thousand, text, init, money


year of the dog

2k9 - the year my homework got ate. by the dog. every day.

quit lifting your leg on my zune, snifster!

See dog, year, sniff, pee, homework


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