
What is 'kin?


a shortened version of fucking

that is 'kin awesome

See fuck, abbr., fucking


This prefix attached to any word replaces the popular descriptive expletive 'fucking' and can be freely used around people with bruised or fragile sensibilities ad-infinitum.

'kin-asshole, 'kin-bullshit, 'kin-fairy, 'kin-polititians, 'kin-congressmen, 'kin-taliban, 'kin-Bush, 'kin-Cheney, 'kin-CIA, 'kin-FBI, 'kin-NSA, 'kin-wars, 'kin-federal reserve, 'kin-dickheads, 'kin-microsoft, or just about 'kin-ANYTHING.

See expletive, swearing, adjective, adverb


The shortened term for otherkin.

Him? Oh, yeah, he's 'kin.

See 'kin, kin, otherkin, therian, therianthrope, vampire, faerie


Abbreviation for otherkin.

See also: otherkin therianthrope therianthropy theriandraconitydragonkin vampyre weredelphinian

That's been going around 'kin communities a lot recently.


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