
What is :l?


:L is a smiley used on bebo to show a laughing face.

LMFAOOOOOOOO, that's so funny :L

See :l, bebo, haha, lmfao, lol, rofl


The smiley that demonstrates a laughing face! A relief to many loons who were sick of writing 'lol' 'rofl' 'lmao' etc. :L is simple, yet effective, which is why bebo created it. :)

Izzy: You are asking for a spanking!

Rachee: :L

See good times, :l, lol, fofl, rofl, lmao


the ultimate sign of indiference

User 1: I got a cat.

User 2: :l

See :l, indifference, smiley, wat, lul


1. Lol on bebo

2. The drooling face. The side of the L bottom of the L is the drool.

1. Hahaha :L

2. Oh damn he's hot :L

See drool, lol, laughing, out, loud, laugh, hot


The emoticon :L just means whoever asks the poster what "it" means - is sonned. Usually used when you have just owned someone by prooving them wrong.

pro: :L


nub2: YA LOLZ?

pro: owned

See emoticons, nub, pwned, owned, sonned


A commonly used smiley within the gore community, Basically i can have the meening you wish, but usally it meens, URDODGE NO :L *sloth

Omg, cbf u gassing me with ur riot fatty, ur haxing fer sure nigor. GO BACK TO UR HOLE FATTY :L

See 9mm


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