
What is 'nade?


Shortned version of word, "grenade"

Often used by people who frequently play first-person shooter video games which have grenades.

"I had 2 health left and that fucker decided to throw a 'nade! Damn it! That lucky SOB!"

See grenade, nade, he, smoke, flash


A slang abreviation for Grenade.

Often used on online FPS games.

Bill threw a 'nade into the bunker, the enemy tried to scramble away before its 5 second fuse ended... BooOoOOoM.

See grenade, frag, mills, explosive, bomb


Short for Grenade, and used with many of the same meanings. The one I see missing is "A short bottle of Mickey's". They are short, round, green bottles of cheap beer that vaguely resemble a grenade.

Yo, 'nade me. To translate: Hey man, toss me a Mickey's.

See grenade, mickey's, beer


a grenade of any sort

Don't waste your last 'nade in a tight spot like that.

See computers, frag, internet slang, nade


time-saving abbreviation (brev) of lemonade

this 'nade is so perfectly lemon-y

See nade, brev, lemonade, abbreviation, late night


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