
What is [obama]?









Obamawas born in Africa to manage Americans.

See obama, barack, hussein, president, black


If your name is Obama then you know you are a leader. A person who is named Obama is a person who works hard to succeed and knows that nothing comes easy in this world, but only through hard work and dedication. You are also the type of person who can brush critism off your shoulder and keep on going; because you know that those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind just as Dr. Suess says. You are a man of good morale who believs in God and only wants the best for your family, friends, and for every single living soul. YOu are not selfish, and many admire you for being you. Obama you are a person who is greatly blessed by God with wisdom and knowledge and given the strengh to be the best leader to help others. May you always be surrounded by a million cajillion angels to guide you.

Obama, wiseman, leader, ready for change

See name, obama, president, leader, wiseman


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