
What is [prep]?



1. a person who is a student at or a graduate of a preparatory school.

2. a person who favors or is viewed as favoring clothing style or behavior associated with traditional preparatory schools.


3. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of preparatory schools or their students.

4. of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or being a style in dress or mode of behavior of a preppy.

Basically, collared shirts, khaki pants, the whole nine yards. Some people say preppy is Hollister Co., Abercrombie & Fitch, ect.

kid1- Your such a prep

kid2- don't label me! im not a prep! Im just dressing the way I want to!

See prep, preppy, hollister, surfing, abercrombie, skimboarding


Middle classes or upper classes that love to make people feel inferior and love to be slutty!! they like to wear A.e.&Hollister&what ever is "in" **Newsflash!! just because you have more money or you have better clothes or just likes to be a BITCH doesn't mean you can automatically make fun of other people!!!!!!! BITCHES&Asses! tw they type like this: HeY WhAt's Up?? I.m ChIlLiNgg!!! OmGawddddd DiD yOu See WhAt Shelby was Wearing 2day she's a skank!!! oh and to add, they love shopping with Daddy's Credit card!!! who cares about that at least the inferior ppl have real friends and arent fake like the preps!!!!!& are true to theirselfs!! and people don't pretend to like you just for the money&stuff like that!!!!

Prep:Omgawwwddd look at what she's wearing

Me:Yeah and look at your daddy's credit card whore!!!

Prep:At least I have money!! you dont haha

me: ohh I don't care!! prep&slut!!!! can you ever leave us alone!!! Bitches&Bastards

Prep:(huffs) you win but I'll getcha back guarteentee!

Me:Hahahahahaha you are so SHALLOW!!!

Prep: PrepPreps ROCKKKKK!

See whore, slut, prep, bastards


1. A person who is a total poser that shops at either Abercrombie, Hollister, Victoria's Secret, Ruehl, Lacoste, or American Eagle on a regular basis.

2. Someone who uses ditxy phrases like "watevs" and "lyk".

3. A complete bitch whp has nothing better to do with her life but shop at Abercrombie ad talk about how sensitive they are and talk about their friends behind their backs.

4. Someone who is popular(or thinks they're popular)and thinnks everyone should worship the ground they walk on.

5. A person who has nothing better to do than try and gainpopularity by gossiping and shopping.

6. Someone who feels the need to apply lip gloss at least 15 times every three minutes.

7. someone who cannot go two minutes without saying "like or "omigosh" in every sentence.

Brittany: Hey Angela!!! Did you, lyk, hear that Hollister is, lyk, having a sale today!

Angela: Omigosh! Lyk, we sooo have to go there, cuz i just got $500 from my daddykins and now i can lyk so buy that pair of socks i wanted!

brittany: No way! They are lyk soooo cute-a-licious!

Angela: An toh-tally ah-dor-ah-bly preppy! I lyk luv being a brain-dead prep!

Brittany: Omigosh me too

"That girl is such a prep."

See blond, bitch, abercrombie and fitch, hollister, ditz


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