
What is [scrag]?


1. A girl of mediocre looks with loose morals and a penchant for cheap liquor. A girl that becomes a prime target after a long night of drinking and previous hookup failures.

2. A girl that will try to play hard to get, but after a double vodka soda will ask where you live.

3. A girl that enjoys spending the night at the fraternity house.

4. One of the typical girls that attend USC (University of Scrag Central) and frequently visits the 9-0 bar on Figueroa St. She and her friends (because scrags work in packs in the hopes of combining their individual haggard looks into some semblance of collective beauty)can be quite irritating and self absorbed despite their futile, albeit libation-induced attempts at normal conversation and their overwhelmingly pungent fragrances designed to mask the fetid miasma of decay freely emanating from their gaping hatchetwounds.

5. A girl down to get flatbacked 6-deep by any guy that is not horribly maimed, severly retarded or altogether a worthless slapdick.

6. A girl that becomes increasingly more seductive and alluring with each shot of alcohol.

7. Usually preceded with phrases such as "take down," "ruthlessly slay," "gaping hatchetwound," or "my brother's girlfriend."

aka: 90 hoodrats, hooknose skanks, hatchetwound victims, slizzos, double jack-and-coke aftermath, etc.

-- "Yo man wanna hit up the 90?"

-- "Ya dude im ready to take down some scragtonight."

-- "Amen brother. Its double jack and coke night!"

See hoodrat, slizzo, slut, skank, hooknose, usc, jack daniels


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