
What is 5-spot?


A jackass; someone who is very stupid. Most likely on drugs.

5-Spot is such a douchebag

See its, 5-spot, dark, demon, haha, lol


A Mexican which can go to prison for two six month periods in one year and still finish the year with honours.

A 5-Spot normally goes to prison for raping little girls and kicking their head teachers face.

A 5-Spot usually has a horrible haircut, probably a mullet.

If you try to insult a 5-Spot, he will bring up the worst argument ever and get insanely arrogant.

If you ever encounter a 5-Spot hold your breath and cover your asshole, as it will stink and will be homosexual.

Haha, you're a failure 5-Spot.

See 5-spot, epicfail, beaner, mullet, smelly


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