
What is 2-stepping?


2-stepping is actually (potentially) the least violent move associated with hardcore dancing. 2-stepping is much like skanking, a dance typically performed at ska shows, except more violent, with slightly changed steps. 2-stepping/ two-steppingis executed during a "2-step" part of the song. 2-step parts are typically characterized by "bass, bass, snare" rolling, repititious drum beats and a "rolling" guitar line. One knows when to 2-step because they hear/feel the beat, and know respond with 2-step. To the trained ear, it's instinctual.

The most basic 2-step is performed like so:

Step 1: (Simultaneously) Slight hop onto right foot, bring left leg forward (like a kick), bend over slightly and, bring the left arm back, the right arm left/downward across the body.

Middle-step: Bring the left foot back, hopping onto it and putting your weight on it.

Step 2: Shoot the left arm right/downward/across the body while bringing the right arm back and bringing the right leg forward (like kicking).

Now Repeat.

It clearly shows influence from, and is just a hardcore variation of, skanking. It's a very repititious, alternating, simple step, but it befits the music perfectly and many motions (violent arm swings) can be incorporated to make it more fun and interesting to perform and/or watch.

In Buffalo, NY, for example, 2-step is done to the tempo of the music, whereas in the Cleveland, Ohio scenethere is less concern with 2-stepping to the tempo and more attention is given to just 2-stepping as quickly and ferociously as one can.

There are many different variations of the 2-step including swiveling ones torso almost all the way to either side, throwing the arms or elbows back as part of the step, or 2-stepping very low to the ground.

Adam: "You have a unique 2-step."

Dave: "I love seeing a whole pit of kids 2-stepping. It really tugs on my heartstrings to see that many people having fun as a result of the same thi--"

Brit "Dave, shut up."

For a good example of a 2-step beat, listen between 1:10 and 1:30 in the song "Sun Poison and Skin Cancer" by The Acacia Strain

To see kids 2-stepping in person, just go to a hardcore show!

See 2-step, 2 step, 2 stepping, two-step, two-stepping, hardcore, hardcore dancing, breakdown, Dave


2-stepping is actually (potentially) the least violent move associated with hardcore dancing. 2-stepping is much like skanking, a dance typically performed at a ska show. 2-stepping/ two-steppingis executed during a "2-step" part of the song. 2-step parts are typically characterized by "bass, bass, snare" rolling, repititious drum beats and a "rolling" guitar line. 2-stepping involves crossing your arm in front of you to the opposite side of your body whilst simultaneously throwing the opposite leg outward and bringing it back to the ground to brace onself for the same action on the other side of the body. (See link at bottom of Example section for a visual aid) It's a very repititious, alternating, simple step, but it befits the music perfectly and many motions can be incorporated to make it more fun and interesting to perform and/or watch.

In Buffalo, NY, for example, 2-step is done to the tempo of the music, whereas in the Cleveland, Ohio scenethere is less concern with 2-stepping to the tempo and more attention is given to just 2-stepping as quickly and ferociously as one can.

There are many different variations of the 2-step including swiveling ones torso almost all the way to either side, throwing the arms or elbows back as part of the step, or 2-stepping very low to the ground.

Adam: "You have a unique 2-step."

Dave: "I love seeing a whole pit of kids 2-stepping. It really tugs on my heartstrings to see that many people having fun as a result of the same thi--"

Brit "Dave, shut up."

For a good example of a 2-step beat, listen between 1:10 and 1:30 in the song "Sun Poison and Skin Cancer" by The Acacia Strain

To see kids 2-stepping in person, just go to a hardcore show!

See 2-stepping, 2 stepping, 2 step, two-stepping, two stepping, hardcore dancing, throwing down, Dave


2-stepping is actually (potentially) the least violent move associated with hardcore dancing. 2-stepping is much like skanking, a dance typically performed at a ska show. 2-stepping/ two-steppingis executed during a "2-step" part of the song. 2-step parts are typically characterized by "bass, bass, snare" rolling, repititious drum beats and a "rolling" guitar line. 2-stepping involves crossing your arm in front of you to the opposite side of your body whilst simultaneously throwing the opposite leg outward and bringing it back to the ground to brace onself for the same action on the other side of the body. (See link at bottom of Example section for a visual aid) It's a very repititious, alternating, simple step, but it befits the music perfectly and many motions can be incorporated to make it more fun and interesting to perform and/or watch.

In Buffalo, NY, for example, 2-step is done to the tempo of the music, whereas in the Cleveland, Ohio scenethere is less concern with 2-stepping to the tempo and more attention is given to just 2-stepping as quickly and ferociously as one can.

There are many different variations of the 2-step including swiveling ones torso almost all the way to either side, throwing the arms or elbows back as part of the step, or 2-stepping very low to the ground.

Adam: "You have a unique 2-step."

Dave: "I love seeing a whole pit of kids 2-stepping. It really tugs on my heartstrings to see that many people having fun as a result of the same thi--"

Brit "Dave, shut up."

For a good example of a 2-step beat, listen between 1:10 and 1:30 in the song "Sun Poison and Skin Cancer" by The Acacia Strain

To see kids 2-stepping in person, just go to a hardcore show!

(take out the spaces)

See 2-stepping, 2 stepping, 2 step, two-stepping, two stepping, hardcore dancing, throwing down, Dave


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