
What is :u?


A parody of other emoticons.

Like people who abuse "LOL" "XD" and other emoticons/abbreviations, :u serves absolutely no purpose. In fact, it merely takes up space. Abuse it wisely.

"hai guyz i would <3 to meet you lol XD XD "

"Get off my internets, pedo. :u

See emoticons, useless, lol, xd, interwebs


The face somebody makes when they charge their laser or get read to do a light beam attack through their mouths.

:U I'm charging my laser!

See :u, charge, laser, lazor, lazer, pokemon, jesse, james, meowth, team, rocket


like a ":o" wich means u r surprised by somethin .. but even harder.. :U (it sux i know)

person1: the doctor told me im goin to die tomorrow

person2: omfg :U !!

See :o, omg, :b


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