[union Jake]-off

What is [union Jake]-off?


A Union Jake-Off is when a group of men gather round to watch a movie, become bored with it, decide to put in a pornographic film, and decide to all masturbate together.

Man, that Union Jake-Off just made me feel dirty. There we were watching the Prestiege on DVD. We couldn't get into so we decided to turn it off. Next thing I know, one of my room mates comes out with porn.

Long-story short, 10 minutes later we were all jacking off (Our own, not each others'). There were some weird sounds and some akward bumps, and if John hadn't of moved as fast as he did, there would have been some serious . . .uhhh . . . collateral damage.

See circle jerk, jack off, masturbation, sex, jerking off


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