
What is --vv-?


1) 300 of (-v-)

2) The movie 300.

3) LeonidusKing of Spartans

4) 3 of 1King

5) 2 of 3

6) Warriorsof Greek City State like Athens.

7) Wasters of helots.

6) A bad-ass rock band.

7) A bad-ass movie 300 about Spartans

On computer or phone: (-(-v(-v-)v)-) meaning lets dine in hell person/group.

1) 1) Meaning goodbye or see you later.

2) Leaderof 300 Spartans

3) Spartakicked someone into abyss.

4) Greak leader of Sparta

yelling "Sparta!"

5) A city of Ancient Greece.

6) A bad-ass rock band.

7) A bad-ass movie 300 about Spartans

See dine in hell, sparta, 300, persian, burger king, greeks


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