
What is 5x5?


Actually, it is a radio term but it means Loud and Clear, not I hear you and you hear me.

RTO 1: I've got you 5X5.

RTO 2: Roger, I've got you lima charlie.

See lima, charlie, rto, Tag Team


Used in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" by the character Faith, the second slayer to mean all is good

"Are you good to go?"

"All is 5x5"

See good, sweet, all is well


It is an old Radio operator term. It means, I can hear you fine (five)and you can hear me fine (five). 5x5

I got u 5x, How me? I got you back 5x. So the signal is considered 5x5.

See fivers


another way to say true blue but more to the point being sharp, not soft.

That girl is 5x5 and very easy on the eyes.

See Colin


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