
What is Xirex?


A wolf, Coloradonian to be precise, lives in the natural setting of any computer loving canid, the basement. During the day this canid may be found sleeping in it's den, or maybe out and about it's native enviorment. At night this canid may be found anywhere as it is nocternal by nature. And does much travels, even using it's power it can travel around the world as a datapacket on the plains of Internet.

Xirex will tell NightWolf about Beast's exploits and Nightwolf will eat Beast, a lesser animal, becasue of it.

See NightWolfx03


A shaggy wolf often found in his natural habit of the 'basement.' These animals have a natural tendancy for computers and ejoy creatig computer environments or 'maps.'

Xirex's also enjoy soda, I think.

JadeWolf likes to chat with her friend Xirex. And you other two suck.


A Wolf, Or A were. He likes to map and use computer though hes a wolf

Xirex is NightWolf's Friend.


also known as burnout - made packanimals (w00t)

Xirex is Beast's friend, and hates nightwolf.

See Beast


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