
What is Xobile?



1.Transmitting, Receiving or Searching for Adult Content on a wireless


2. Movies, Photos, Ringtones, Wallpaper, or any other adult related content

for wireless


v. I was xobiling for chicks with big boobs and came across the perfect web

site. Then I xobiled it to a friend.

n. If you're interested in Adult Movies on your wireless device, visit



The name of a South African blackjack dealer

Hey, can I get another card there... !XOBILE


1.Transmitting, Receiving or Searching for Adult Content on a wireless


2. Movies, Photos, Ringtones, Wallpaper, or any other adult related content

for wireless


v. I was xobiling for chicks with big boobs and came across the perfect web

site. Then I xobiled it to a friend.

n. If you're interested in Adult Movies on your wireless device, visit



1.The act of transmitting or receiving adult content over wireless devices. 2.Surfing for adult images or videos on a wireless device.

1. I found a really sexy pic and xobiled it to a friend.

2. I was xobiling for chicks with big boobs and came across the perfect web site.


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