
What is 90z?


The decade of years 1990 through 1999.

Popular cultural styles include spelling plurals with the letter "Z", gangster rap, putting stickers on a honda to make it go faster, every rock band sounds like Pearl Jam, reading, speaking and spelling at a third grade level were cool and the rise of the most influential artist of our time, Vanilla Ice.

In the early 90z, Bush, Cheney and Powell were waging war in Iraq, A Terminator movie was topping the box office. A goofy looking blond white guy was rapping on MTVand boy bands were raking in the cash.

See 50 cent crack dealer


slang for crystal meth/speed. On accounta' that drug being very popular in the 1990's

Stay off the 90's puto, last time you were up for a week.


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