
What is [zoop]?


zoop has no definite/specific meaning. It can mean anything you want it to mean as long as it is in a positive way. You can use "zoop" as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and all those other parts of speech.

hey how'd u do on that test? i think i zooped it up, it was so easy!!

hey wats up zoop?

thats the zoopest looking shirt i have evr seen.

hey you're looking pretty zooptoday.

that guy was crazy, he just zooped everyone up in basketball!!

that teacher gave us so much homework. definitely not zoop.

zoopit to the limit!

ZOOP!!! (used as like a greeting or something you can yell out whenever you feel like it)

See zoop, popular, cool, swimming, unique, great, arthur, henry, nick, king arthur


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