
What is Sabbath?


saturday, not sunday. sunday is now referred to as the sabbath because of christian influence, whereas the jews originally took saturday as a the sabbath. dont argue with me, i learned it in my religious studies in college.

sunday is the first day of the week, thus saturday is the last, or the sabbath.


Saturday, the holy day to worship God, seventh day of the week.

On the seventh day, having finished his task God rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from his work of creation. Genesis 2:2-3

See jko


Short form of "Black Sabbath", a pioneering Heavy Metal band of the early seventies notable for such memorable beer commercial tunes as Paranoid. "Sabbath" destructed and reconstituted numerous times over the length of its life, and still exists as a name in music today, albeit only Tony Iomis considerable talent remian the only core force in the band.

"I dropped acid and listened to sabbath at 72 rpm's man"

"Oh yeah, what happened"

"I saw God man"



Saturday is the Biblical, seventh day Sabbath (look at your calendar!). However ...

... if NOBODY worked on Saturday, that would cause lots of bad things to happen. Think REALITY here, I am not talking about some spiritual, magical curse. People work to make things happen. If people don't work, things don't happen that you want and NEED to happen. Think utilities, hospitals, traffic lights, police, firemen, etc. It is GOOD that some people keep Saturday while others keep Sunday. SABBATH = ONE DAY PER WEEK FOR REST. (Exodus 20:8-11).

See zoroastrian, hebrew, yahwist, christian, muslim, mormon, jehovah's witness, scientology, scientism


EXODUS 31:12-18, (excerpts below)

16> "Therefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, TO OBSERVE THE SABBATH THROUGHOUT THEIR GENERATIONS AS A PERPETUAL COVENANT,"

17> "It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel FOREVER; for in 6 days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, and ON THE 7TH DAY HE RESTED AND WAS REFRESHED."

If someone, anyone, even someone who CLAIMS to be a disciple of Yahshua, says that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday, or done away with, or is now irrelevant, should we believe that person?

Does the Word of Yahweh allow for any such changes?

See yah, yahweh, yahwist, yahwism, yahshua, gad, gematria, hebrew


a girl who dosnt cut her hair and has teeth that look like pincers. Sabbaths also have a tendency to stink, as they dont have regular showers.

Go get a hair cut you bloody sabbath and wash your bum while you're at it.

See sabbath, dirty, bum, unwashed, teeth


The resting day in a religion

The Jewish sabbath takes place saturday night


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