
What is Sacapuntas?


1. Spanish word for pencil sharpener

2. Nice random word to be used when the conversation is getting kinda boring

3. Prettiest word in all of spanish language, obsessesed over by spanish teachers around the world

Fred- "..."

George- "..."

Fred- "Sacapuntas!"


1. (Sp.) pencil sharpener

2. (Sp. slang) A very complex, yet deeply satisfying sexual technique known to only a select group of passionate Latin American lovers.

1. Pass me el sacapuntas.

2. Give me el sacapuntas.

See pencil sharpener, drill


A word to shout while traveling in taxi cabs which induces and ignites furious illegal street races between taxi drivers on the streets of San Francisco.

Look at the cabby next to you. He is mean mugging you. Do something about it....SACAPUNTAS!

See pencil sharpener, pencil, saca, taxi


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