What is Sacpwofmg?
"Super Advanced Computer Produced Work Outs for Max Gains." as popularized by Webber25.
1. A workout method that wastes alot of time.
2. A workout in which the lifter carefully monitors with electronic devices to reduce the effectivness of their workout.
3. A good way to waste time in the gym.
4. The opposite of the SFW philosophy of lifting.
Webber25:"Hey guys my bar acceleration has increased by 1.5% since starting the SACPWOFMG training method!"
BFP:"And how much workout time has it saved?"
Webber25"Uhh, well that increased by 78%."
BFP:"Dude, I think its time to just SWF!"
A term used in Power Lifting gyms to describe advanced power lifters.
"Too many guys are feeling their way through the gym with no direction SACPWOFMG is the method of choice for Power Lifters.
A term used in Power Lifting gyms to describe advanced power lifters.
"Too many guys are feeling their way through the gym with no direction SACPWOFMG is the method of choice for Power Lifters.
Super Advanced Computer Produced Work Outs for Max Gains