
What is Sadomasochism?


The obtaining of sexual pleasure from sadism (= hurting other people) and from masochism (= being hurt)

See skippy


the deriving of pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting or submitting to physical or emotional abuse.

See Keith


a sexual life style that a person lives in which sexual pleasure is derrived from giving or recieving pain.

the easiest way to give your girlfriend a black eye and everything is still cool.


a sexual practice that can be incorporated into the general lifestyle of a person by which sexual gratification is reached though torturing others or being tortured by others (usually a passion partner) or humiliating or being humiliated by others.

S&M paraphenalia can be found in many stores on Broadway, but as they are pricy sadomasochism can be a pricy lifestyle

See sadist, masochist


The most fun a person can possibly have.

I go to the store and I see a brightly colored and neat package reading, "Genuine leather whip; great for your sadomasochism-loving cowboy or boss!"

See whip, chains, s&m, bdsm


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