What is Sallies Boys?
Sallies boys are males who attend
Sallies boys are often confused with boys from Cab Calloway. The important differences are these: while Sallies may have a slightly larger population of
Sallies boys also have a propensity to make sexual references to every single thing they hear. Even the most innocent references to bunnies or mashed potatoes can be willfully misconstrued. This is, however, very common with males in general, and may be simply a by-product of limited contact with females.
A favorite Sallies joke ends any spoken phrase with the words "last night."
In these two interactions, we see how Sallies boys might react to a situaion. The first is an actual live specimen. The second is a boy affected with SBS (Sallies Boy Syndrome).
Girl: You don't think I'm fat, do you?
Sallies boy: I don't know; it was dark last night! Ha ha ha!
Girl: Riiiiiiight.
Girl: Man, my back really hurts.
Random boy: From last night!
Girl: ....You're such a Sallies boy.