What is Salve?
An Latin greeting used in Ancient Rome meaning "Hello".
It is pronounced "sal-vay"
Marcus Julius Romulus: "Salve, Citizen."
1. Salve can be construed as any form of
2. Misspelling of "
In the Ren & Stimpy episode "To Salve or Not to Salve," a salesman tries to sell Stimpy a jar of salve on the grounds that it helps with dirty dishes and unmanageable hair, among other things (such as acting as a substitute for toilet paper).
Use of salve as a kitchen cleanser, hair sculpting solution, or substitute for toilet paper is not recommended and is a blatant misuse of the product.
likes cock upp his ass nd likes 2 likck donkey dik
OMG im not gay i'm just a bit salve