
What is S.a.m.?


Surface to Air Missile

self explanatory really


An abbreviation, meaning, 'Secret Agent Monkey'. usuualy this refers to a monkey,usually in a tuxedo and armend with a strong british accent and a golden gun, but can also be used to define how cool someone is.especcialy refers to those named Sam,Samantha,etc.

Oh Teh Noes! It's S.A.M.

See s.a.m., sam, secret, agent, monkey





A mexican person who is relatively dumb, or a racial slur for mexican people.

White Kid:Hey S.A.M. what's up?

S.A.M.:Shut up asshole, I ain't stupid you cracka.

White Kid:Ok S.A.M.

See stupid, ass, mexican, dumb, latin, moron


S.A.M. or, simply, sam, is the abbreviated form of Swalpa Adjust Madi. The language is Kannada, and the direct translation would be "adjust a little bit" but the essense of the phrase is soooo much more! See examples for a feel of the truth...

Patron: Hey! we have 9 tickets but there are only 8 seats here!

Usher: Hehe...er...sorry boss, swalpa adjust madi please...

Immigration Officer: Ahem...sir, you have 10 travellers in your group but only 9 passports. I'm afraid this is a problem.

Traveller: Hehe...er... my father is very old, please, somehow just adjust and go...

Man outside restroom: Hold on one second man, I need to SAM a little bit here (as he pushes his penis back into a central - or otherwise more comfortable - position)


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