Sam Plan

What is Sam Plan?


Any plan involving general disappointment and an early end to the night.

Participants will often be unaware they are involved in a Sam Plan until they are at home eating Hungry Jacks, wondering why it was such a disappointing night.

Eg. 1

"I know, lets go to E55, it'll be sweet!!!"

"Nah man, that sounds like a Sam Plan, think i might grab some HJ's and go home."

Eg. 2

"Hey, lets go to (insert crap bar nobody has ever heard of)!!!"

"Ummm... ok."

......10 minutes later......

"This is shit, fuckin Sam Plan!! I'm going to HJ's".

Eg. 3

"This bar is shit, why are we here?"

"Sam Plan!"

See plan, sam, disappointing, failure, e55


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