What is Samoa?
n. The best cookie that the girl scouts sell.
Ingredients: Crispy cookie, chocolate, caramel, coconut.
Girlscout: Would you like to buy some cookies?
Me: Sure, I'll take two boxes of Samoas please.
Girlscout: I'm sorry we're all out of Samoas. The only kind we have available are Thanks-A-Lot's.
Me: Thanks-A-Lot's!? What the fuck are Thanks-A-Lot's!? No one wants that shit!
samoa is a pacific island nation. formerly a british and then german colony, new zealand took control after WWI. the samoans, traditionally a reseliant people, despised new zealand control, and in the style of gandhi, used non-violence to eventually win independence. to americans, samoa is known for producing a number of football offensive and defensive lineman.
samoa produced kimo von olhoffen.