San Francisco Values

What is San Francisco Values?


But let's talk about "San Francisco values", you know -- tolerance, entrepreneurship, and creativity.

Since O'Reilly boycotts everything he hates, I look forward to his boycott of all Bay Area-origin products. Same with every conservative who bashes San Francisco and the Bay Area. So no iPods or anything Apple. No HP computers. No Google. No Yahoo. No eBay. Those conservative bloggers using Blogspot, MovableType, or TypePad? Sorry. Those products are Bay Area-based.

Also no Adobe or Macromedia products. No computers, either, since most run on AMD or Intel. No tax preparation using Intuit products. Cancel your Netflix subscription. Cancel your TiVo subscription. Remove your Network Associates or Symantec virus protection software from your computer. Unplug your Netgear wifi router.

Don't wear Levis (or any kind of jeans), Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, or buy your kids Gymboree. Avoid LeapFrog learning toys. Boycott Pixar movies. Boycott any movie using George Lucas' ILM special effects shop. Stay away from Treos and other Palm devices. Don't let Charles Schwab manage your portfolio. Don't bank at Wells Fargo.

Yeah, those "San Francisco values" sure are dragging the region down. Making it weak as it falls behind the rest of the country -- the parts that don't share "San Francisco values" -- economically and socially.

Or, maybe -- just maybe -- it's made the region a magnet for the world's smartest, most innovative, most entrepreneurial individuals and an incubator of the world's most dramatic technological advances.

Oh they just have those San Francisco values which I call it because I'm a bigoted, stuck up conservative.

See san, francisco, conservative, idiots


noun, -- gay marriage, cutting and running from Iraq, coddling terrorists, raising taxes, amnesty for illegals

Over the space of a few days, the phrase "San Francisco values" has passed from the lips of conservative FOX Newscommentator Bill O'Reilly and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich onto the editorial pages of the Augusta(Ga.) Chronicle, where the paper endorsed a Republican congressional candidate because a DemocraticHouse would mean "Pelosi will be speaker and her far-leftSan Franciscovalues -- gaymarriage, cutting and running from Iraq, coddling terrorists, raising taxes, amnesty for illegals -- will become the House agenda."

In a recent online fundraising pitch, the now-pundit Gingrichasked supporters, "Will everything you've worked so hard to accomplish be lost to the San Franciscovalues of would-be Speaker Nancy Pelosi?" In Thursday's National Review Online, House Speaker Dennis Hastertasked, "Do we really want Nancy Pelosi's San Franciscovalues leading the culturewar?" Neither elaborated on the meaning of "San Franciscovalues."

See gay, marriage, gay marriage, the city, politics, liberal, conservative


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