
What is Sandmannd?


sandmannd1  /dʒɜrk/ Show Spelled Pronunciation sand-man-nd Show IPA


1. a reference used in chat forums (mostly outdoors related) to discribe a post hound/hog, wannabe fishing guide, troll, or someone who in genral will steal other idea's to us (profit from) as his own.

2. Slang. a contemptibly naive, fatuous, foolish, or inconsequential person.

–verb (used with object)

3. to take an idea someone esle devoloped and make their own: Boy, he sandmannd that idea Bill thought up

4. to utter in a broken, spasmodic way.

–verb (used without object)

5. to be a jerk or jerks.

6. to talk in a broken, spasmodic way.

7. to build up ones post count total in a web forum by the means of troll, trolling and no purpose posting.

8. to dance the sandmannd.

—Verb phrase

9. sandmannd off, Slang: Vulgar. to masturbate.



Every fishing website in MN

Related forms:

sandmannder, noun

sandmannd⋅ing⋅ly, adverb

A term used in chat forums (mostly outdoors related) to discribe a post hound/hog, wannabe fishing guide, troll, and someone who in genral will steal other idea's to us as his own.

1. "That member is being such a sandmannd."

2. "Oh no! I pulled a sandmannd."

3. "I heard that fishing guide is such a sandmannd. He does not know the regulations and has not put his clients on fish for months"

4. "That is a good idea that we can make money from. You better portect it so some sandmannd does not come around and steal it"

See sandmannd


Sandmannd sandmannd1~

sand-man-nd Meaning and Definition (Secondary)

1) (v. t. slang) A term used for a male supporter of the Obama movement.

2) (v. t. slang) A word to describe a male who is politically inept but feels his political views are worth being told to the world. Even when no one cares. (verb)

3) (verb-ish) In meaning of political inadequacy when the person expresses, trolls, trolling his political views in a public on line forum.

4) (verb) To have and or express liberal tendencies.

1) "He is a true sandmannd. He carried his Obama sign high when protesting the Republican convention in St. Paul MN during the 2008 election"

2) "He sure is a sandmannd when it comes to talking about political stuff. I wished he would get a clue"

3) "Oh boy! I had to PM you. We have another sandmannd sounding off in the general political forum. Where do these people get their political information from?"

See liberal, obama, biden


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