
What is Saskatchewan?


Home of the Canadian Public Healthcare System. Home of the first Democratic Socialist government government in North America. Home of farmers. Home of Ukrainian immigrants.

Easiest political body in the world to draw.

Saskatchewan's capitol is Regina, the city that rhymes with fun!


Easiest province to draw, beautiful skies, hundreds of lakes and hills (contrary to popular belief), and a fabulous music scene. Unfortunately, it is a place where many good people leave, making former Saskatchwan residences known throughout Canada (especially Vancouver) as incredibly talented and hard working people. But consequently, they are leaving the province to fester with age and incompetence. It is an incredibly beautiful and peaceful place to be from, though most people simply pass through on the highway, which is a lame-ass way to see somewhere. If you are awsome, please stop leaving Saskatchewan because a province can't be run by aging farmers. Look at Alberta.

Albertan: "You must be a communist, eh?"

Saskatchwanian: "Nope, just a socialist."

Albertan: "Is that anything like a capitalist? Cuz I'm one of those."

Ontarian: "Ooo, ooo! Me too! Me too!"

Saskatchewanian: "Uh, you guys are weird. I'm moving to Vancouver."


A place used by TV shows when they want to name place that no one can find on a map.

It's actually just a retangle in the middle of Canada where farmers grow grain.

Tourists: Can you tell us where we are?

SaskPerson: You're is SASK-AT-CHE-WAN!

Tourists: Honey, they don't speak English here?


the only place where you can lose your dog, and watch it run away for 4 days.

saskatchewan is flat, like edmontons chance at winning the stanley cup.

See gay, boring, flat, dumb, edmonton, oilers suck


The big, flat, rectangle in the middle of Canada with a name that anyone who's not from Saskatchewan pronounces wrong. For future reference--"Sas-KATCH-ew-un" OR "Sas-KATCH-ew-in" OR "Sas-KATCH-ew-en" is acceptable. . .but not not not Sas-katch-ew-WAAAAAN. If you say it that way, it just screams you're from Ontario. Or Texas.

Suffer from paralyzing claustrophobia? Well, you've come to the right place Land of Living Skies, as our license plates say, is pretty accurate--that's pretty much all that's living. Our trees are generally stick thin and only look alive for four out of twelve months. Well, okay, so we're alive for a third of the year. That ain't half bad, eh?

NDP government that was elected by mostly farmers. I don't understand it, either.

The biggest city in Saskatchewan is Saskatoon, which, nope, is not the capital, even though it is home to a relatively adequate school, the University of Saskatchewan. Surprising, really.

The capital city of Saskatchewan is the city that rhymes with fun--Regina. A city that is composed of three quarters flatness, and one quarter man-made lake full of goose crap. It's a pretty exciting place to be.

Saskatchewan is full of names like Moose Jaw and Swift Current and Prince Albert and North Battleford. Apparently Saskatchewan has a thing for two-worded names. Except the original Cree is probably one long word that is slowly being forgotten along with the majority of their culture. Unfortunately.

Speaking of unfortunately, there is an unfortunate amount of racism in Saskatchewan. But hey, teach the world to sing in perfect harmony, and I'm sure the province can continue to turn a blind eye to the racism and social problems that exist, and people will continue to never know where the hell Saskatchewan is.

But they're missing out!

Tourist: Hey, can you show me around Edmonton?

Saskatchewanian: Sorry, I'm not from Alberta.

Tourist: Hey, can you show me around Calgary?

Saskatchewanian: Sorry, I'm not from Alberta.

Tourist: Fuck this, I just want to get to Ontario!

Albertan: Well, you'll have to go east through Saskatchewan and Manitoba first.

Tourist: What?! I only have a Canadian passport?? Wait, is this one of those French speaking places?

Albertan: You mean Quebec?

Tourist: Yeah!

Albertan: Dude, just go to Vancouver.

See saskatchewan, province, saskatoon, regina, prince albert


canadian province that no one can spell. flat expanses of praries, home to canada's best football fans. the capital city of regina rhymes with fun (pronounced like vagina). the brithplace of modern canada back in the '50s, when tommy douglas set up the liberal reforms that now guide the nation.

saskatchewan is way out there.

See canada, prarie, flat, football


The only place in Canada that is so conservative that will put your picture on the front page of the local newspaper if you get caught doing bong hits.

In Canada, 50% of residents have smoked marijuana. In Saskatchewan, 80% of residents are currently drunk and are ready to physically restrain anyone under the influence of marijuana until the police arrive.

Hey, you got any bud?

-Sure! Here's a Budweiser beer!

I mean pot.

-I don't understand.

Do you have any marijuana?

-You smoke dope?

Dope is heroin.

-Marijuana is illegal and wrong. I'm going to finish getting drunk on this alcohol the local bar illegally supplied to us, since we're underage, then I'm going to drive down to the local police department and report you for smoking dope. We don't put up with liberal mindedness in Saskatchewan!

See saskatchewan, canada, marijuana, alcohol, alcoholics, dope, drive, drinking


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