
What is Save_us.222?


A marketing method made by the WWE that took two months to indicate the return of Chris "Y2J" Jericho. It took as a form of a video that contain the code (SAVE_US.222), with clues that would've been missed at the blink of an eye. But internet wrestling fans knew it was Jericho from the start.

Where did the words "Save Us" came from? It was based from a promo by Jericho ("Chris Jericho has come to save the WWF!") at his WWF/E debut. In SAVE_US.222, Jericho is "saving" us from Randy Orton.

The code than evolved to SAVE_US.X29 than to SAVE_US.Y2J at Raw, the day after Survivor Series 2007.

SAVE_US.222 was a great promo for Jericho. Now if the WWE can make their product better after this.

SAVE_US.222 ----> SAVE_US.X29 ----> SAVE_US.Y2J

See y2j


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