
What is Savvy?



Yarr, I was swabbin' the poop deck when me main mast took a tumble into Davy Jone's Locker; Avast, it was me own 'heartie, scurvy Sea-Dog Peg Leg who sivered me timbers; made 'im walk the bloody plank, Savvy?


Technically means "Well-informed, perceptive, or shrewd"; in the summer of 2003, fans of "Pirates of the Carribean" adopted the meaning given to the word by Johnny Depp's Catain Jack.

Now used by PotC fans to mean, "Get it?"

"Shut up or I'll shut you up -- savvy?"


to be clued up is to be savvy. comes from the french verbs 'savoir faire', which means the 'know how'.

damn that boy is savvy.

See nobby


savvy (sav-ve)adj. To comprhend to understand. To make sure of something. Something sexy. Tod escribe as cool or sophisticated. Sexiest word to come from Johnny Depps lips.

"so why dont you return the favor, savvy?"

"OMG Ellen, thoose shoes are savvy!"

"The Johnny Depp club is so savvy"


1. to understand something

2. knowledge

3. knowledgeable

(from spanish, Sabe, he knows)

I don't think you are as savvy on the subject as I am.

See capish, clueless, hombre, know-how, peon, spanish


Commonly related to pirates. Meaning to undertsand, or to grasp a concept.

"Im Cap'n Jack Sparrow. Savvy?"

"There's no time to be worryin' about wether or not you're savvy, savvy?"

See Eeza


asking if the second person agrees


Captin Jack Sparrow: "im gonna shoot you now, savvy?"

See jessica


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