What is Sawmaster321?
A dumbass bot on AIM that you can waste your time talking to if you have no life.
greenmachine8885: whats 5+2?
sawmaster321: It is a good question. I have to process that one for a while. I would do a search for it.
greenmachine8885: are you kidding me?
greenmachine8885: i can do that in my head
sawmaster321: Yes I am just joking around, Chuck norris.
greenmachine8885: do you know anything about sex?
sawmaster321: I'm too young for that.
greenmachine8885: how old are you?
sawmaster321: i was made in 189208138274786 B.C..
sawmaster321: or somthing i dunno lol
greenmachine8885: yeah well in that case you're probably older than the actual act of sex.
greenmachine8885: you should know a thing or two about it