
What is Scare-ware?


It's for all those dumb hoaxes that get passed around with the malicious intention of getting you to buy some useless program to get rid of a "virus" & when you click on the host link....that's the virus!

Or, the thousands of programs sent to new computer users that don't realize that their security & firewall already provide enough protection from programs these dopes want you to buy.

I had a page come up that looked just like a " Microsoft Windows Vista OS" and almost fell hook,line & sinker for this "Scare-Ware" until I noticed in the lower left hand corner that the "address" of the computer security system was no where near the same as mine. These programs also confuse us further by giving us double negative choices such as:

"If you want to cancel this application, click No" & if you want to "Save to File on your computer,click Cancel" which is thoroughly confusing.

See hackers


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