
What is Scaribou?


A woman who is so ugly,she is frightening. coyote ugly heffer

Also resembling an antlered,tundra dwelling,hoofed mammal.

A Scaribou is usually large bodied,hairy,with an unpleasant odour.

A Scaribou can easily be spotted on the edge of a dance floor with others of the same herd,staring at the pretty girls and calling them sluts because their ankles don't ooze out of their shoes.

An All-You-Can-Eat Buffet is a perfect time to view the eating habits of the Scaribou as they are distracted by other Scaribous in a fierce competition for the last bucket of pork.

A Scaribou will mate any time of the year but only when the unsuspecting male is too drunk to see or smell but still able to achieve an erection.

The Scaribou will produce 1 bastard and then seek Government help to raise it.

Once the bastard is old enough that the Scaribou no longer needs to unroll its sagging breast to feed,the Scaribou will return to hibernation,awaiting the next season of Jerry Springer.

"Did you see the size of that Scaribou?"

"Put down the chicken wings and don't make eye contact,there is a huge Scaribou behind you and I think she picked up your scent!"

"The Scaribou cornered me in the basement,it was obvious she wanted to mate as she folded her breast to her mouth and licked her hairy nipple."


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