
What is Scarlet?


brilliant beauty. ellegance.

He seems very Scarlet.

She wishes she was Scarlet.

See bold, exotic, rich, lush, skizzy


Used in Ireland to suggest embarrasment in a given situation. Embarrasment that would provoke blushing.

My top fell off at the disco last night. Aw, scarlet!

Also used with "scarlet for yer ma for having ya." When suggesting that your mother must be ashamed of you.

See shame, blushing, mocked


A word used by 13-17 year old Dublingirls (not D4's) as slang for being embarassed as the face would go bright red.

Normally pronounced and shouted like 'SCARLEH!!'

other variations would be mortification

Ohhh Jeeeesus! I just slipped in shite!

Fookin Scarleh!! (Scarlet)

Translation - Oh dear, I appear to have slipped in excrement, how embarassing.

See mortification, d4, shite, scarlet, dublin


In Dublin, Ireland, scarlet is slang for embarassed - more mortified than embarassed, a kind of huge, overwhelming, blush to your toes type of embarassed. In the Dublin accent, it sounds more like "scar-leh" with a lot of emphasis on the first syllable

There I was dancing away and all the time me skirt was caught up in me knickers - I was SCAR-leh!


it is when u r on

yr period

i am on scarlet

See reds, period, pads, scarlet, me


sexualy frustrated female

that woman is a scarlet

See frustrated, menopause, bimbo


Mad. Unstable. Prone to tantrums.

Lacking logical thinking.

He's gone a bit scarlet.

A bit scarlet that one.


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