Scene Points

What is Scene Points?


an elaborate system for calculating popularity commonly joked about among scenesters and scenester wannabes. everybody know what they are but no one will actually admit they exist.

for example, these things give you scene points:


-straight edge


-black hair over face

-collecting vinyl

-having obscure band merch

-wearing tight pants

-being friends with bands, promoters, etc.

these things make you lose scene points:

-wearing volcom, zero, hurley, etc.

-liking good charlotte

-asking for an autograph

-driving (scene kids walk/take the bus)

-having anything to do with rap

-getting a tan

Aw fuck! I can't make it to the show tonight! There go my scene points.


A scale to measure how "scene" you are compared to others.

A "Scene" scale as done by Kelly A. and Jacki V.

Scene Points Scale.

-5 points:

Liking metal seriously

Fake Piercings

1/2 point:

Each pins/buttons

1 point:

Using adjectives from the late 80's/early 90's (i.e. rad, gnarly, rockin', etc.) for each word in vernacular

2 points:

Each studded belt

Dyed black hair/short

Each tight shirts/pants/track jackets

Thick rimed glasses

Each gaudy belt buckle

Each clothing bought from a thrift store

Having hair with bangs longer than the rest

Each trucker hat

Each plugs/body Piercings

Referring to bands as acronym

Each scarf

Mountain climbing key thingy

Each pair saucony/new balance/ converse shoes

Each livejournal/myspace/friendster account

Hollywood Undead

Owning Fiddle Faddle

Black eyeliner

Use of 'Kthxbai' 'Lykkeeoommgggzz' 'Oh Emm Gee' etc.


Each Tie

Being Pale

Eating Mac And Cheese at least 3 times a week.

3 points:

Reading books over 300 pages long

Aspiring photographer

Vegetarian diet

Messenger bag

Knowledge of swearing in foreign languages

Bright Makeup

Hearts/stars next to your eye (with eyeliner)

Fake Tattoo's




Trying to be Gangstuh.

4 Points:

Getting pictures taken in a photo booth

Wearing a bandana around your ankle/neck/wrist

Watching/Loving Disney movies

Fake Pearls/beaded necklaces

5 points

Clapping during midpaced part of a song

Working at an Indy record store/health food store

Being in a band

Attending hell fest

Writing poetry

Tea aficionado

Participating in "the mosh"

Riding a bike

Liking metal core

Straight edge

Food not bombs participation

Vegan diet

Being a camera whore

Having a binder/notebook/planner covered in Band logos/stickers

Hanging out at coffee shops

Being 'Electrikk'

Adding 'xcore' to things

Collecting Sobe/Jones Soda bottle caps.

Photoshopping pictures.

6 points:

Angling your pictures

Polka Dots

Fingers pointing to head in the shape of a gun

Having Sleepovers that include Dance party's to Spice Girls

<3 instead of I Love You


7 points:

Still collecting Pokemon cards

Guns that go bang bang

Pictures with squirt Guns

Having the 'I must be emo' song on your ipod/mp3 player

Being Bisexual

Actually knowing songs by Sunny Day Real Estate/The Spill Canvas/ Moss Icon

Having a Faux Hawk

8 Points:

Only showering once a week and/or self greasing hair

Having the Pokemon theme song on your ipod/mp3 player

Starting a Moshpit

9 points:

Being offended when someone calls you scene

Lover of Catcher In The Rye/The Perks Of Being a Wallflower

Memorizing the Masturbation part of Perks Of Being a Wallflower

10 points:

Moldy peaches fan

Vinyl collection

X'd up mosh gloves

Attended 20 shows or more in a year

Love for Poptarts/Ramen Noodles

Others questioning your sexuality. (Guy? Girl?)

More than One energy drink per day

11.11 points:

Wishing on 11:11

30 points:

having a myspace group for yourself.

Infinity points:

Dying while moshing.

Sex with the lead singer of a scene band

See scene, scale, points, kids, metal


The funniest part of the scene. I think people take it too seriously. Basically, if you do something scene, you shout "SCENE POINTS!" It never gets old.

I have a bow in my hair. SCENE POINTS!

See scene, hxc, game, funny, yay


Scene points are a way of measuring how trendy or scene someone is. Also called scene cred. Teenagers used to joke about scene points but now more and more scenesters are taking it seriously.

As a scene kid, I don't really worry about earning scene points. After a while, you just start doing scene things without having to think about it.

There are ways to incorporate your own style into your look while still being a scene kid. Follow these guidelines to earning scene points and do what feels comfortable. Either way you're still kind of a conformist, but whatever. You can't please everyone no matter WHAT you do or look like so if being a scene kid appeals to you, then wtf, just go for it!

things that will give you scene points:


-being sickly thin (can be accomplished by being vegan or developing an eating disorder)

-being totally conceited, or just acting like it

-going to hardcore shows

-having myspace, livejournal, aim, etc (extra points for every X or scene word in your username)

-using a lot of scene lingo

-being artistic (desEnter away message text here.igning your own clothes, taking pictures, writing poetry, being in a band)

-shopping at thrift stores/good will

-Claiming to be at least two of the following: vegetarian, vegan, straight edge, bisexual, hardcore, unique (whether you are or not is a completely different story)

-being pale

-hanging out at the mall, cafes, shows, any place in public where there might be other scene kids (I mean, what's the point of spending an hour on your hair and makeup if you're just gonna sit around at home?...unless of course you're taking myspace pictures)

-collecting hello kitty, pokemon, carebears, etc

-staying on myspace til 4AM

-Dating a scene person of either gender (regardless of what gender you are)


-bandanas (in hair, around neck, on wrist, in back pocket)

-beaded necklaces

-fingerless black gloves

-big gaudy rings

-Mood ring

-lip ring(s), nose ring


-Big plastic earrings

-a really expensive cell phone like a sidekick or enV and texting CONSTANTLY

-camera to take pictures of yourself, shows, your friends, and random artsy things

-tote bags

-oversized bags

-any purse that's massive, shiny, sparkly, or just stands out

*beware of messenger bags. those are usually classified as emo

-pins and patches or really obscure bands


-studded belts

-white belts


-always have massive sunglasses (wear them over your eyes when it's bright out and put them on your head when you go to shows)


-skinny jeans

-flats (any colour or design on them will work)

-converse (black lowtops go with everything)

-leggings (black, gray, brown, striped, or neon)

-tight band shirts

-thermal long sleeved shirts

-mini skirts

-striped/polka dot shirts


-shirts with hearts, rainbows, stars, dinosaurs, birds, or just anything that looks scene

-ankle warmers

-striped scarves

-layered tank tops

-frilly dresses


-pin straight hair is a must-have

-hair in one eye

-layered bangs

-DIY hair cut and dye (the more colors and layers the better)

-bows, barettes, headbands in hair

*scene kids NEVER wear their hair up in a pony tail. low pig tails are acceptable

-hair extentions

-black hair with blonde streaks

-hair must be HUGE

-half platinum blonde/half black is a good style as long as you can pull it off

-lots of hairspray



-tons of black eyeliner

-bright pink blush

-neon eyeshadow

-clear lipgloss

(scene kids don't usually wear lipstick, however, the trashier you look, the better)

See scene, scenester, scene kids, scene cred, scenexcore, hxc


An elaborate point system created by the true sXe kids. Often used to determine who is the most sXe member of a group at any given time. You can get scene points by doing various activities, such as:

1)punching people in the face

2)wearing an Atreyu shirt

3)wearing a leapord print belt

4)wearing girls pants

5)dying your hair black

6)taking the bus/ walking places

7)hanging out at the mall

8)regularly attend concerts

9)only talking to people in bands

10)being sXe (straightedge)

11)being drug free

12)practicing brotherhood

13)taking pictures of yourself from strange angles

14) having a tough face while taking those pictures

15)wearing makeup (preferably eyeshadow)

"Hey GuyZ! Anyone caTch that TasTe of CHAos ToUr! My ScEnePoints Are almosT maXxXed!"

"Lets go do windmills. I'm running low on scenepoints."


points earned for doing or wearing something scene

WARNING: real scene kids don't acknowledge their existance, EVER. real scenesters do scene things because they want to, so if u wanna count point, better do it in ur head.

here are some things that give you scene points

scene clothes-2 points for each item-only clothes u have worn within the past 2 weeks count

scene hair-2 points for every color, 3 for spikes or poofiness, bangs are required

scene s/n or user name-1 additional point per x

peircings-1 point per piercing, 2 if none of ur friends have the same 1 as u

going to shows-10 points for each show you've been to in the past month

food-in the last 2 weeks, 1 point for each energy drink, 1point for each instant

soup, take away 2 points for every day you've eaten meat

belts, pins, necklaces-2 points for each bullet or studded belt, 1 point for every plain belt, 1 point for every pin worn, 2 if it's for PETA or a band that no one knows, 1 point for every oversized or scene necklace worn

scene obsession-1 point for every current obsession

bands-2 points for every band you listen to thats not on iTunes, 10 points for every band member or scene queen ( including guys) you're friends with, 2 points for every band member you've gone out w/ in the past 2 weeks

note-scene points can only be given for things that happened in the past 2 weeks

double points for anything on that list if it's DIY

you lose scene points if you admit they exist

See scene, points, scene kids


credit you get for doing certain scene things like or envolving:


-saying 'rawr' a whole lot

-having choppy clone hair

-being "in love"

-fingerless gloves

-myspace profiles tellin how cool you are ***cough*insecurity*cough***

rawr! lyke omgzzz i get a jillion scene points for this dinosaur tee!

See poser, scene, scenexcore, dinosaurs, rawr


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