
What is Scene-ager?


A scene teenager.

Someone that is into fashion, trends, music, and coffee.

A scene-ager is not emobecause emo is music and people cannot be music. So anyone that claims to be 'emo' is just someone that is a poseur.

Scene-agers tend to have a backwards mullet or have long hair, mostly straight, and cover either the left or the right eye.

They also tend to shop online and not reveal where they shop.

Scene-agers also may shop at thrift stores for that extra touch.

Scene-agers also tend to be very music-orientated. They know many, many bands and they probably will make fun of your for you listen to "bad" music.

Scene-agers also tend to be stuck-up people who make fun of everyone and anyone for a variety of music whether it's for your taste in music or fashion to the way you style your hair.

Most scene-agers have a myspace and go on the computer a lot and take many pictures from a variety of angles and give the 'peace' sign with edge.

Scene-agers tend to be vegetarians/vegans or support animals rights.

Scene-agers often say things like 'SUP NIGGA' or 'KTHNXBAI' or something along those lines.

Also, I am not trash talking about anyone or anything and I'm sorry if I offend you.

When used in a sentence this is how it would be used:

Kristofer and Katie are scene-agers.


The scene-ager went to Starbucks.


The scene-ager went to see his/her favourite band live in concert.

See scene, teenager, starbucks, music, emo


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